


  • 性别:男
  • 职称:副教授
  • 学历:博士
  • 学科:农业工程、水产


2011.09-2016.07,中国农业大学,农业工程,获工学博士学位 2003.09-2006.07,河北农业大学,农业机械化工程,获工学硕士学位 1999.09-2003.07,河北农业大学,农业电气化与自动化,获工学学士学位。
2022.09-今,拉斯维加斯3499浏览器,副教授 2006.09-2022.07,河北农业大学机电工程学院,讲师、副教授
1、智慧渔业,物联网、大数据、人工智能等技术在水产养殖中的应用。 2、智能农业装备,农业人工智能技术。
1、机器学习,研究生,必修课 2、生物医学图像处理,研究生,必修课 3、生物医学传感与检测,研究生,必修课 4、电子电工学,本科生,必修课
1、河北省重点研发计划,浅海增养殖海参水下识别、精准计量和高效智能采捕装备研发,2020-2022,主持。 2、十三五国家重点研发,苹果化肥农药减施增效技术集成研究与示范,2016-2020,主持。 3、河北省教育厅青年拔尖人才项目,基于荧光信息的微藻在线原位检测机理研究,2017-2019,主持。 4、广州市番禺创新领军团队项目,智能化工厂化水产养殖平台示范与应用,2020.10-2025.10,参与。


[1] Zeng Lihua, Feng Juan, He Long. Semantic segmentation of sparse 3D point cloud based on geometrical features for trellis-structured apple orchard. Biosystems Engineering, 2020, 196: 46-55

[2] Zeng Li-hua, Wang Cong, Wang Tan, Li Dao-liang. The correction fluorescence inner filter effect using a single excitation and dual-emission fiber optic probe[J]. ANALYST. 2016, 141(18): 5339-5345.

[3] Zeng lihua, Li Daoliang. Development of In Situ Sensors for Chlorophyll Concentration Measurement[J]. JOURNAL OF SENSORS. 2015(903509).

[4] Zeng lihua, He Mei, Yu Huihui, Li Daoliang. An H2S Sensor Based on Electrochemistry for Chicken Coops[J]. SENSORS. 2016, 16(13989).

[5] Cui Meng, Zeng Lihua, Feng Juan. Measures for reducing nitrate leaching in orchards:A review. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 263: 114553

[6] Liu Jingyan, Zeng lihua, Ren Zhenhui. The application of spectroscopy technology in the monitoring of microalgae cells concentration. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 202156 (3): 171-192..

[7] Wang Tan, Zeng Lihua, Li Daoliang. A Review on the Methods for Correcting the Fluorescence Inner-Filter Effect of Fluorescence Spectrum[J]. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. 2017, 52(10), 883-908.

[8] Liu jingyan, Zeng lihua, et al. Rapid in situ measurements of algal cell concentrations using an artificial neural network and single-excitation fluorescence spectrometry [J]. Algal Research, 2020 45, 101739. 

[9] Liu jingyan, Zeng Lihua, et al. Recent application of spectroscopy for the detection of microalgae life information: A review [J]. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 2020, 55 (1): 26-59.

[10] Wang Cong, Zeng Lihua, et al. Review of optical fibre probes for enhanced Raman sensing [J]. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2017,48: 1040-1055.

[11] Feng Juan, Zeng Lihua, He Long. Apple Fruit Recognition Algorithm Based on Multi-Spectral Dynamic Image Analysis [J]. Sensors, 2019, 19(4):949.

[12] Zeng Lihua, Tai Haijiang, Zhang Jiaran, Li Daoliang, Liu Shuangyin. A Novel Measurement Principle and Basic Performance of Turbidimeter Based on Dual Detection Intensity Ratio[J]. SENSOR LETTERS. 2014, 12(3-5): 710-714.

[13] Qiao Xi, Bao Jianhua, Zeng lihua, Zou Jian, Li Daoliang. An automatic active contour method for sea cucumber segmentation in natural underwater environments[J]. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE. 2017, 135: 134-142.


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[4]   一种灌溉方法及系统,2019100479894曾立华、冯娟、崔猛等,2020.12.25

[5]   一种灌溉水源过滤装置及其控制方法,2017108050619曾立华等,2019.11.19

[6]   一种水肥灌溉设备,2019100479907,任振辉、曾立华、崔猛等,2022.02.22

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[8]   一种放置于割草机前端的捡石装置,2017107128090曾立华等,2019.09.27

[9]   一种果树机械修枝的树体结构参数估计方法及其系统,2018106926702,冯娟、曾立华等,2022.11.22

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